Jen Lum Therapy
Jen Lum Therapy
Northest LA & San Gabriel Valley Relationship Therapist

I still remember scanning the waiting room with skepticism.

I felt conflicted about meeting with a therapist. But the ache in my chest pushed me through the doors, and suddenly I was seated across from a pair of warm, inquiring eyes.

The ache came from more than just pain and exhaustion. Courage was mixed in their too, insisting that I no longer wanted to do this alone. I need solutions.

Together, we uncovered so much more.

We came across unexpected clarity, shared tears, trust and shelter, meaningful connection, and lots of humor along the way.

I understand how risky and uncomfortable vulnerability can be.

That’s why I’m inspired every time my clients walk through those doors and open their lives up to me. They resolve that finding freedom and growth is worth the plunge. And through my experiences as a therapist and a client, I have come to believe in the power of real talk and deep connection to bring about that freedom and growth.

Your story is unique. I’m curious about what matters to you most.

Wherever you find yourself today, we will start there.